Year One have been so busy since starting 2025! The young mathematicians ventured into the world of numbers, using tens frames to make number bonds to 10 and 20. They have been then using this information to help them add and subtract numbers within 10 and 20. Exploring into the concept of weight, length and height by comparing how tall, short, long, heavy and light objects around the classroom are.
Then measuring them using nonstandard units. In English they transported themselves into the fictional world of literature, our students embraced the enchanting character 'Beegu,' rewrite an alternate ending. Children then used their imaginations to create a friend for ‘Beegu’. They planned, sketched, labelled and then created their ‘Beegu’ friend out of salt dough.
During our R.E day the children immersed themselves in the Christianity creation story and learnt about how God created the world in 7 days.
The children created their own world at the different stages of creation.
They were great!