We had a great time at West Lodge Farm Park for our Christmas Experience. We enjoyed travelling on the coach and our journey there. Once we arrived, it was time for our workshop. Our first job was to make some reindeer food.
We got to choose which natural ingredients we wanted to include and are looking forward to sprinkling them outside our homes on Christmas Eve. We then walked through the ‘Elves Village’ and had to go through ‘Elf Security’.
Luckily we had all been good this year, so got to be an elf! We had so much fun putting on our hats and making our cheeks rosy red. Our next stop was the Christmas post-office, where we wrote our letters to Father Christmas, drawing what we would like. Then we had to be really quiet before waking up Father Christmas.
We told him what we would like for Christmas, and he found out if we had been nice this year. We were so lucky, we got to choose an early present! We then enjoyed our picnics, before going to the barn to perform ‘The Nativity Story’.
We dressed up and sang songs as we retold the story of when Jesus was born.