In year 6 we have been focussing hard on improving our reading, writing and maths, and lots of the children have made a super effort in the lead up to our assessment week. In our curriculum learning, we have had our SRE visitor, who said how mature our year 6 children were, and how well behaved they all were. We have also had a visit from our Police Community Support officers, who discussed online safety with us.
In our curriculum learning we have looked as Geographers at climate zones around the planet, and what the difference is between climate and weather; and the impact of environmental factors on which vegetation and wildlife inhabit each climate zone. This has been strongly linked to our scientific study around classification and the work of Carl Linnaeus.
This has included using microscopes and doing wildlife hunts within the school grounds and applying our new knowledge about classification. We really enjoyed learning about early Christianity through drama and role play, and have also learned the basics of spreadsheets, and their many applications in the digital world.