'This afternoon we had a visitor called Ruth. She came to talk to us about Rosh Hashanah and Teshuvah. That is Hebrew for Jewish new year and forgiveness. We sang lots of songs in Hebrew about having a happy new year. It was so much fun to listen to what makes Ruth who she is.
Did you know that boys and men wear a hat to cover part of their hair and women wear a scarf or hat to cover their hair?
We also found out that Jewish people can go to synagogues to celebrate Rosh hashanah and will read from the Torah as a community. We also found out that the Torah is read from right to left. We found it difficult to do this because it was in Hebrew!
We then role-played getting a synagogue ready for a Shana Tova and pretended to read the Torah whilst wearing scarfs and kippers.
To finish off our session we then made our own candle. It was so much fun!
Have a Shana Tova everyone!'