Im Mrs Anderson and I have been here a teacher for over 10 years and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I have a passion for phonics and love getting creative in the classroom. I love reading when I can and going on days out with my family. I enjoy animals and have lots of animals and unusual pets at home such as sheep, chickens and even alpacas. I am looking forward to being part of your learning journey in year one and all the exciting things you will discover along the way.
Mrs Anderson
Year one has been very busy learning about lots of new and exciting things! In maths, we have been focusing on addition and subtraction and how our number bonds can help us in many ways.
We've had an amazing trip to the museum and cathedral and then we wrote about our day in our English books using time conjunctions. We've started evaluating some moving books so that we're ready to start making our own!
Mrs Holland

Mrs Anderson
Year 1 Teacher

Mrs Daynes
Teaching Assistant

Miss Tomlinson
Year 1 Teacher

Mrs Bridden