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'Paston Ridings is a family; a community of people who care for one another and take a collective responsibility for our school.'

A causa delle nostre continue espansioni, siamo sempre alla ricerca di persone di talento che si uniscano a noi, che si tratti di volontariato o come parte del nostro team del personale.  Essere al centro di un nuovo complesso residenziale ci mette nel nostro fantastico e posizione unica di poter contribuire a plasmare la nostra comunità per molti anni a venire.

St Michael's è una famiglia; una comunità di persone che si prendono cura l'una dell'altra e si assumono una responsabilità collettiva per la nostra scuola nonostante le sfide che la vita ci presenta.  In cambio, ci aspettiamo che tutti coloro che lavorano o fanno volontariato rispettino standard elevati di condotta personale e professionale e impegno al 100% nei confronti dei bambini affidati alle nostre cure.

Siamo in grado di fornire un ambiente di lavoro stimolante con risorse eccellenti; la possibilità di essere creativi e innovativi e un alto livello di sviluppo professionale.

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Governor's Recruitment


Governors provide strategic guidance to the school’s leaders by challenging the processes that drive school improvement. This involves:

  • working together to plan the school’s direction

  • overseeing the financial performance, ensuring money is well spent

  • holding the executive headteacher and school leader to account for how well the children are doing.

  • Adopting our code of conduct and governor’ expectations code.

The aim at Paston Ridings Primary is to ensure the children do exceptionally well, ultimately performing alongside top schools nationally.

All governing boards benefit from members who have analytical or financial experience and skills, but also those who are willing to learn and develop new ones. 

Governors need to have the following:

  •  an interest in primary education and welfare of children

  •  passion about the benefits of a good education

  • commitment to attend and participate in regular meetings

  • willingness to learn and attend training

  • good personal skills with energy and enthusiasm

Time commitment

  • The committee meet in person twice a term. We have additional committees with a broad focus on leadership & management and finance.

  •  Some meetings can be attended virtually, by arrangement.

  • Governors are expected to know school, and if their accountability is going to be robust, planned visits are important.

  • Training and support for this role will be provided by the local authorities’ governance lead;  through Governor Hub; a web based system for communicating and keeping up to date and informally from current governors.

What's in it for me?

  • Valuable experiences that will impact your life.

  • The satisfaction of knowing you're making a real difference to the children,  and the local community.   Ensuring when the children leave primary education they have a good set of skills for their future learning.


We are an equal opportunity committee and looking for governors that represent Peterborough's multi-cultural population. By law, employers must give employees who are school governors reasonable time off to carry out this role. This may be paid, but it is not compulsory. You must be over 18 years of age.


What do I do next?

  • In the first instance, please contact the school office on 01733 762742 or email with your details and we will respond promptly.

  • Try and attend our new governor ‘welcome open school’ events on Thursday 30th November 2023.  

Anticipated starting date January 2024.

Further reading :The National Governance Association

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