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'Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a teacher. I have always loved learning, even when it could be challenging at times. Pushing myself to achieve my goals has always been something I wanted to instil in the next generation of children and there is nothing quite like seeing young children's faces light up when they achieve their own goals. Being a teacher is the most rewarding feeling and I can't wait to continue developing children's love of learning.'


Please also see attached a class update photo of Seals using our new Art room to create their Stone Age Tools. Here they moulded soap to create spears. 

Miss Czuchat

I have been teaching for over 25 years, ten of which have been at Paston - and I am still loving it.  Being a teacher has been challenging at times, but worthwhile to see your pupils grow and become the best they can be.  I have had some lovely conversations with previous pupils, who are getting depressingly old! 


I really enjoy teaching Science, Design Technology, History and PE.  To see children try things, grow in confidence and realise that failure is part of learning, part of being a scientist, engineer or mathematician , is something I love to see.  I am really excited to see how Paaston and the community adapt to the new school leadership and ethos.

Mr Love

Miss Wilcox

Miss Wilcox

Year 3 Teacher
Mrs Bond

Mrs Bond

Teaching Assistant
Miss Sharman

Miss Sharman

Teaching Assistant

Year 3 News

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01733 306778
શાળા કાર્યાલય સોમ-શુક્રવારે સવારે 8.30 થી સાંજના 4 વાગ્યાની વચ્ચે ખુલ્લું રહે છે

Letters and Sounds
Food For Life accreditation
Healthy School Accreditation
Peterborough Reads Logo
OFSTED Good award
Gold School Games Award
Basic Skills Accreditation
Thrive Logo

The school office is open Mon-Fri between 8.30am and 4pm

સેન્ટ માઈકલ ચર્ચ સ્કૂલ

કોન્સ્ટેન્ટાઇન ડ્રાઇવ, સ્ટેનગ્રાઉન્ડ દક્ષિણ,
પીટરબરો, PE2 8SZ
T: 01733 306778

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