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My inspiration for becoming a teacher was the teacher I had when I was in Year 2, Miss Lunn. She made coming to school exciting and it made me have a thirst for knowledge. I have enjoyed many elements of my time in education, from primary school through to university and now in my job as a teacher. My main aim as a teacher is to foster a love for learning in all of the children in my class and being able to have a positive impact on a child's life.

Mrs Bullivant

I absolutely love teaching and can’t see myself doing anything else! I have a passion for passing my knowledge and skills onto others and take pride in seeing children I’ve taught grow and find themselves as little individuals. Learning is key but so is a sense of belonging and that is something you will always see in my classroom. Oh and a boogie on GoNoodle!

Miss Montoute

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Mrs H Walton

Year 2 Teacher / Assistant Headteacher
Megan Duffield.jpg

Mrs Moisey

Teaching Assistant
Megan Duffield.jpg

Mrs Bullivant

Year 2 Teacher
Megan Duffield.jpg

Mrs Attwell

Megan Duffield.jpg

Mrs Shelbourne

Year 2 Teacher
Megan Duffield.jpg

Miss Montoute

Year 2 Teacher

Year 2 News

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01733 306778
શાળા કાર્યાલય સોમ-શુક્રવારે સવારે 8.30 થી સાંજના 4 વાગ્યાની વચ્ચે ખુલ્લું રહે છે

Letters and Sounds
Food For Life accreditation
Healthy School Accreditation
Peterborough Reads Logo
OFSTED Good award
Gold School Games Award
Basic Skills Accreditation
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The school office is open Mon-Fri between 8.30am and 4pm

સેન્ટ માઈકલ ચર્ચ સ્કૂલ

કોન્સ્ટેન્ટાઇન ડ્રાઇવ, સ્ટેનગ્રાઉન્ડ દક્ષિણ,
પીટરબરો, PE2 8SZ
T: 01733 306778

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