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Breakfast Club

Paston Ridings Primary School is proud to be able to offer a daily Breakfast Club for children in Reception through to Year 6.


Breakfast Club starts at 8:00am, where children are provided with a bagel, cereal, drinks and an opportunity to play. The cost is £1.50 per session and is payable in advance via Arbor. 


You will be charged for the number of days booked even if you do not use the facility on a particular day or if your child is absent for any other reason other than authorised sickness. The days booked must also remain the same each week to ensure we have adequate staff for the number of children due each session.

Magic Breakfast Logo - Kate Joubert.webp

મુખ્ય શિક્ષક

શ્રીમતી રેબેકા સ્મિથ


ગવર્નરોના અધ્યક્ષ

શ્રીમતી મિકલા ડેઇન્ટર


Spirit Education Logo
Paston Logo

શાળા કાર્યાલય

01733 306778
શાળા કાર્યાલય સોમ-શુક્રવારે સવારે 8.30 થી સાંજના 4 વાગ્યાની વચ્ચે ખુલ્લું રહે છે

Letters and Sounds
Food For Life accreditation
Healthy School Accreditation
Peterborough Reads Logo
OFSTED Good award
Gold School Games Award
Basic Skills Accreditation
Thrive Logo

The school office is open Mon-Fri between 8.30am and 4pm

સેન્ટ માઈકલ ચર્ચ સ્કૂલ

કોન્સ્ટેન્ટાઇન ડ્રાઇવ, સ્ટેનગ્રાઉન્ડ દક્ષિણ,
પીટરબરો, PE2 8SZ
T: 01733 306778

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