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Lego Therapy is a provision which aims to support pupils’ social and communication skills.
It is an evidence-based approach that aims to develop social communication such as sharing, turn-taking, following rules, using names and problem-solving.
It is run by Mrs Justynska. (Add photo)
At Paston Ridings, children have an opportunity to work in groups where each participant has a distinct role to build a Lego model collaboratively:
Engineers use the Lego instructions and ask the Supplier for the specific pieces of Lego needed.
Suppliers give the Builder the pieces.
Builders follow the building instructions from the Engineer in order to construct the model.
Depending on the child's need, there is also the option of a more naturalistic setting of Lego Club, with the aim of building Lego models or creations using a resource that is so universally loved, we call it a Free Style Building Session.
