Cadbury World
Year 6 went to Cadbury world at the end of half term, and had a brilliant day ! It really brought to life our learning about the Mayan...
Cadbury World
Day 3 & 4: Gadag and Pune
Indian Adventure
Flag Fen Trip
European Day of Languages
Have a Shana Tova everyone!
“I dream my painting and then paint my dream” Vincent Van Gogh
Year 6 Residential
Ancient Egyptians
SATs to Green Goblins!...What a year 6
Baking up awareness...
It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see
A wonderful Religious Educational experience for Year 5.
SATs the way to do it!
Raising money in our Readathon!
We learn and GROW!
Let's Get Musical
10 Little Chicks!